Thursday, May 21, 2009

Senior Photos~ Amanda

Here is amanda! Stebbins class of 2009

She is about to take the world by storm. I wish her the best of luck on the rest of her life.



Monday, May 18, 2009

Krissy and Jay

Well Krissy and Jay have a bundle of joy on the way.
I wish them the best of luck and Hope they enjoy every sleepless night.


Nat and Kayla

Here are two lovely ladies, I had a chance to photography at a photographer group shoot. They were both great. The only bad part is at those event you get such a short time to shoot each person.





Katie and Ben

Katie and Ben
They are super in love and a great couple to shoot. I can't wait to shoot there wedding in a few months. Here is a shoot from there engagement session.


WoW I really need to blog.

Have gotten away from blogging for a while, I can hopefully catch you up on some projest I have worked on since.

Here is a photo of Aidin.

He was a super cutie. A natural model.
