Friday, December 26, 2008

Nick S

Nick is a model and is updating his portfolio. He asked if I would help him out. Not my normal cup of tea but a nice change up to my photography. I wish him good luck in a rough industry.

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Madeline and Elizabeth

Family pictures are very popular around the hoildays. Here are a few shoots of Madeline and Elizabeth. They are part of a family portrait session I shoot for a friend. They are both extremely cute kiddies.

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Jeremy Senior Portraits Session

Jeremy was great! Very easy to work with and took instruction very well. I guess that what you should expect from the 2nd ranked senior in his class.

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The Bell's

A secret christmas gift for the parents who have everything. The Bell childern and grandchildren decide that secert family portraits are the perfect gift.

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Phuong wrapped up.

Well, sometimes scheduling is hard with a busy highschoolers life. I got a chance to finish up Phuong's Studio Portraits. The only good new is over that month she got her hair cut and has a very fresh look for this set of photographys.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Busy Weekend- Sunday Senior Portraits

Well to wrap up the weekend, I meet with Phoung a lovely high school senior. We meet late on sunday at 6 o'clock so time was limited with the day light getting shorter and shorter.

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Busy Weekend- Saturday's Wedding

Bryan and Rachel were wonderful. The wedding was super smooth. It was a very dark church and no flash was allowed during the ceremony but I was able to adjust. Congrats Again!!!

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Busy Weekend- Friday's Senior Shoot

Well, It was a very busy weekend! Here are some shoot from Allissa's senoir portrait session.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Senior Photos!!!

Here are a few shots from Brittney's Senior Picture Photo shoot this weekend.

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To see more click here.

Corey & Michelle Tie the Knot!!!

Congrats to Corey and Michelle!

Here are a few of my favorite shots from after the wedding.



Friday, September 26, 2008

Mandy & Jason's Big Day!!!

What a great time, I wish Jason and Mandy a life filled with happyness!
Have a great honeymoon!!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't Talk Politics

Well, "Don't Talk Politics" is a simple rule for most people, but not a photographer. Why? Because a picture is worth a thousand words! The last year has been a very interesting to shoot. Here are some photos I have taken in the race for the white house. If you would like to see more check the politics on the website.

Bill Clinton- Speaks in Riverside, Ohio

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Hillary Clinton- Speaks in Huber Heights, Ohio

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John McCain- Speaks in Yellow Spring, Ohio

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Barack Obama- Speaks in Riverside, Ohio

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Shawn & Drea's Wedding

What a fun time, I have never been to a wedding with this much high engery.

Shawn and Drea were wonderful to work with.

I love couples with a sense of humor and that comes across in their photographs.

This couple shows great emotions in all of their photographs.

They could teach a class on how to smile with their eyes.

Thanks for sharing such a fun day with me!

Happy honeymooning!

"Stop and Rest you have a big night ahead of you"

"Black and White"


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heather and Mike Wedding

Talk about a wonderful Bride, How bad would you freak out if you have an outdoor wedding planned for at 4:00 and its raining at noon? Heather... Zero, "Yeah, it may clear up but we just moving it to the reception hall." said with no stress in her voice at all. Of Course, when wedding time did comes, its clear blue skies as far as the eyes can see. I wish Heather and Mike warm wishes and good luck on the move to the buckeye country.

Mike and Heather's Wedding from Ron Humphrey on Vimeo.

"The Ladies"


"The Newlyweds"